Wollongong Kart Raceway

Get a FREE Session When You Buy 2 Sessions!

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Wollongong Karts Party Packs

Invite your friends to Wollongong Karts for a rip roaring time to celebrate your event.

All party packages can include optional pizza and drink provided after the event.

Simply pick your choice from the following options:

Party Option 1

10 minute practice session, then 1 x 20 Lap Race

Party Option 2

10 minute practice session, then 1 x 15 Lap Race, and 1 x 20 Lap Final

Note: Minimum of 5 up to 10 on track Group. For larger Groups, your Group will be split into equal (or similar) size smaller groups (maximum of 10 per group) based on qualifying times, so participants can race friends of similar ability. For a small additional fee a Super Final can be raced of 15 laps, of the total top 50% finishers of all the groups.
