All Drivers must be at least 150cms tall and a maximum weight of 120kgs.
All Arrive & Drive Customers Must Become A Member of Wollongong Karts, which requires a payment of $10 per annum and completion of an Indemnity Form.
Consumption of Alcohol before, or during, hire of our karts is strictly forbidden. Breach of this requirement may mean on the spot cancellation of your purchase, cancellation of annual licence and track ban.
The track operates in wet weather and no refunds will be given on the basis of wet weather, and cancellations or transfers of bookings cannot be requested on the basis of wet weather. If for any other reason your booking is cancelled by you, or if extreme weather conditions cause the track to be closed beyond our control for safety reasons as determined by us, no refunds are given and we would be pleased to re-book your session to another available date. By proceeding with a booking you agree to these terms.
Note: Minimum of 5 up to 10 on track Group. For larger Groups, your Group will be split into equal (or similar) size smaller groups (maximum of 10 per group) based on qualifying times, so participants can race friends of similar ability. For a small additional fee a Super Final can be raced of 15 laps, of the total top 50% finishers of all the groups.