Wollongong Kart Raceway

Annual Practice Licence
Per annum
All Private Practice Customers Must Purchase a Private Practice Licence valid for 1 year
Purchase Now
Day Practice
Day Practice from 10.00am
Alternate Sessions between Hire Kart Sessions
Check with office to ensure availability
All Drivers MUST have Race Suit, Gloves, Shoes and Helmet – You can HIRE Racesuit and Helmets at Track
Your kart must comply with current safety standards. On the booking page refer to the link to download Scrutineering Form, print out, complete and bring to office when registering on day of attendance.
Public Holidays incur a 10% surcharge
Purchase Now
Day Practice 12 Visit Pass Special
Never Expires
Save $130 = Get 2 Sessions for FREE
Never Expires
Entitles Practice Access to Track
Alternate Sessions between Hire Kart Sessions
Check with office to ensure availability
All Drivers MUST have Race Suit, Gloves, Shoes and Helmet – You can HIRE Racesuit and Helmets at Track
Receive 12 days practice for the price of 10. Click below to see full terms and conditions
Non Refundable, Non Transferable
Purchase Now

Note: The track operates in wet weather and no refunds will be given on the basis of wet weather, and cancellations or transfers of bookings cannot be requested on the basis of wet weather. If for any other reason your booking is cancelled by you, or if extreme weather conditions cause the track to be closed beyond our control for safety reasons as determined by us, no refunds are given and we would be pleased to re-book your session to another available date. If for any reason a refund is agreed by us, a 15% administration fee is deducted. By proceeding with a booking you agree to these terms.



Annual Practice Licence

Day Practice

Day Practice 12 Visit Pass Special


Per annum




Never Expires


All Private Practice Customers Must Purchase a Private Practice Licence valid for 1 year

Alternate Sessions between Hire Kart Sessions

Check with office to ensure availability

All Drivers MUST have Race Suit, Gloves, Shoes and Helmet – You can HIRE Racesuit and Helmets at Track

Your kart must comply with current safety standards. On the booking page refer to the link to download Scrutineering Form, print out, complete and bring to office when registering on day of attendance.

Public Holidays incur a 10% surcharge

Save $130 = Get 2 Sessions for FREE

Entitles Practice Access to Track

Alternate Sessions between Hire Kart Sessions

Check with office to ensure availability

All Drivers MUST have Race Suit, Gloves, Shoes and Helmet – You can HIRE Racesuit and Helmets at Track

Receive 12 days practice for the price of 10. Click below to see full terms and conditions

Non Refundable, Non Transferable

Note: The track operates in wet weather and no refunds will be given on the basis of wet weather, and cancellations or transfers of bookings cannot be requested on the basis of wet weather. If for any other reason your booking is cancelled by you, or if extreme weather conditions cause the track to be closed beyond our control for safety reasons as determined by us, no refunds are given and we would be pleased to re-book your session to another available date. If for any reason a refund is agreed by us, a 15% administration fee is deducted. COVID – when government restrictions force our business to close, a credit/voucher is provided for affected bookings to a future date with an unlimited expiry date as per ACCC and Fair Trading NSW advice. By proceeding with a booking you agree to these terms.


We are an Outdoor, high speed karting facility. No squealing tyres or polished concrete here, real bitumen road racing, real wind, real sun and if it rains..well you might get real wet ! Come race on a real race track.



Wollongong Kart Raceway
9-11 West Dapto Road Kembla Grange NSW 2526