Private Practice Special Conditions from 17 September 2021 until further notice

  • All bookings must be prepaid online. Fee is $60. You must also indicate your class of kart.
  • Timeslots available:
    • 10.00am – 2.00pm Mon-Sun
    • 2.00pm – 6.00pm Mon-Sun
    • 6.00pm – 9.00pm Fri & Sat only
  • If you book the morning time slot, and there are vacancies in the afternoon timeslot, you may stay on a first booked priority basis until 6.00pm. There is no carry over to the night time slots from any previous session and if wish to stay for a vacant night time slot, a further fee of $60 applies.
    • Juniors and ONE Adult Parent (who must be fully vaccinated) may attend. The Parent may supervise their child’s recreation from a physically distant position from others in the pits or grid area. A junior and a parent count as 2 in a group of 5. Juniors and Seniors karters cannot mix in the pits unless from the same household and Juniors must practice separate to Seniors on track as per normal policy.
  • Pit Bay Groups will be marked and You must pit where directed and not cross into another groups pit area
  • You MUST REMOVE YOUR KART FROM THE IN GRID once your session is finished and immediately return to your pit bay
  • You should be ready for your session and on the out grid no more than 5 minutes before start time. Listen for staff announcements.
  • Facemasks must be worn at all times whilst in the complex unless a child or exempt via doctors’ letter, except whilst wearing a full-face helmet with a balaclava.
  • OPEN class karts can no longer practice with any other kart class. For this reason a minimum booking group for OPEN class is 2 karters, paid as one booking. Karters are to organise reimbursement between themselves.