Race Kart Hire

AKRA Go Kart Race Meetings

Imagine…What It Is Like To Race A Go Kart !

Well, Someone Just Like You Did – And Here Was His Experience >>>>

HEY FIRST TIME RACERS… We have 10 (ten) Arrive & Drive 2 stroke Race Karts – ready to go!

If you have ever thought about racing BUT… you don’t have a kart then listen up

AKRA’s next round is not far away and a brand new novice class has just been announced!!!

We have 10 Arrive & Drive 2 stroke Race Karts – ready to go!

If you have driven one of our Hire Karts and you thought that was great and fast, WELL you are going to be blown away again!

The Hire Karts lap our Wollongong Track in 36 seconds and these Race Karts lap in 31 seconds. That’s a whopping 5 seconds faster!
The Hire Karts are fun fun fun and we at Wollongong Kart Raceway have had over 4,000 happy clients
 BUT the Race Karts, well that’s just like the difference of driving your family car or a V8 Supercar, there is just no comparison!

Here’s what you get:
– You get to experience racing at an official 2 stroke  Race meeting here at Wollongong Kart Raceway Kembla Grange, where other Karters who own their own karts bring them along to race each other.

– The day Format starts at 10.00am and finishes just before dark.

– Includes Drivers Briefing, 2 Practise sessions, 2 x 10 lap races, 15 lap Pre-Final and 20 Lap Final

-Trophy Presentation for the top 3 Winners including FREE Food and Beer……………. Now that makes an awesome full day.

– You race one of our 2 stroke race karts – valued at $480
– Race Kart & mixed Race Fuel provided – costs $30
– Personal mechanic to look after the kart and guide you throughout the day – we pay our mechanic’s $200 a day
– Race Suit and Helmet provided too – valued at $30, Welcome to bring your own Helmet and Race Suit if you have one.
– Entry Fee – costs $110
– Day License – costs $35
– FREE Food & Beer – at least $25 value, just don’t drink too much hahaha

That’s a total value of $900 but YOU WON’T PAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT!

The question you have to ask yourself is what is an experience like that worth to you?

If you had a corporate Box at the Footy or Cricket or V8 Supercars where you got to just watch the game or race, here at Wollongong Raceway your in the game, your in the race………. Now those Corporate Box Tickets can go for thousands of dollars, I’ve been in one once and lucky it was a free ticket as was a gift…… anyhow if participation is what you like best then this is a no brainer.

I’m doing my best to try and gift this away but please let me just cover my hard costs

You get all the above for only $590.
– That’s Race Kart
– Mixed Race Fuel
– Race Suit & Helmet
– Entry Fee
– License fee!

It’s an insane offer as Professional Kart Mechanics are paid upto $500 a day for Australian Championship race meetings and you have to book them for 3 days.

The Entry Fee and License alone are valued $145 plus $200 for mechanic plus $30 for mixed race fuel, your getting a Race prepared 2 stroke Kart for just $215 dollars and I’m lending you our Race Suit & Helmet FREE!

If you wanted to get into Kart Racing or just give it a go this is an insane offer.

My accountant says Im totally mad and advised not to do it as I’m not factoring any maintenance costs. Well he might prove to be right and maybe this offer I’ll have to pull down soon.

Why am I doing this? Well you see I really love my karting and trying to get more people Racing is just so cool and I have made lifelong friends from Karting so if I can cover the hard costs and you look after my kart all should be good.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: I have only 10 spots available and after that they are gone, that’s it.
So if you have read this far and still keen,  shoot me a message on Facebook now and I’ll be in touch

Troy B
Track Owner